Grieving the Endings that Come With New Beginnings

Suzanne Bellavista
3 min readMar 30, 2021


Mercury in Pisces’ Last Hurrah This Week

I woke up feeling sad this morning. Do you ever feel that way?

With Mercury in Pisces for one final week, and yesterday’s full moon in Libra calling for release, you may find yourself called to grieve as well.

It is a new season — yes! Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Fall in the South. It is a time of new beginnings! And yet…

With every new beginning comes an ending as well.

The last season ends. One phase is over. What was can no longer be.

What are you saying goodbye to as you move into this new season?

In this self-help and fast-food society that often tells us all it takes is “3 Simple Steps to Life-long Happiness” or “5 Ways to Rock Your New Job,” it’s important that we remember that real life is a process, not a checklist.

There are emotions in that process, and as much as we may want to skedaddle away from the pain, hurt, anger, or fill-in-the-blank, that approach is the surest one to keep us trapped there.

Emotions are like the weather. They can and will pass. But only if you acknowledge them. Your honoring them is what gives them permission to run their course and move on, making way for something else in your heart.

It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to take a day to go slow, or two or three.

What’s less okay is feeling the need to pretend you are not in pain or thinking that if you just turn your head away from the grief it will disappear. It won’t.

Your sadness and your pain need to be acknowledged, respected, honored, and given a seat at the table of you, else they will get buried in you and you don’t want or need them to be lodged there forever. That’s toxic.

My sadness right now is triggered by having my children (12 and 16) here with me for Spring break (they live with their father during the school year) and realizing that they are growing up and separating from me in the way that adolescents are supposed to do. It’s healthy for them to do this, but it still hurts.

My new beginning is the robust launch of my business in a way I’ve never been able to do before because I was busy raising children. I adore my career and my clients and am so happy to be engaging full-go in my work.

Yet, with every new beginning comes an ending, and endings can hurt.

What endings are you undergoing as we transition into the next phase of life with Sun in Aries on March 20 and Mercury moving into Aries this weekend? (Aries rules new beginnings.)

Notice them. Be kind to yourself; be present.

Understand that you don’t have to run away from the pain.

Let the good cry run its course (I promise you won’t actually cry forever.)

Walk gently through the sadness until the rainbow comes.

Hold close to your heart the good memories — no one can take those away.

As for me, I’ll be drinking lots of hot tea and wearing my pashmina as a shawl when I need a little extra hug.

I say prayers to my soul too. I am learning to feel her vibration, and trust that even though I am surrounded by an amazing team of spirit guides (and so are you), that my soul is my closest advocate and ally.

Okay, divine soul, I am wishing you continued awakening in this life you came here to live — sadness, joy, and all.



Suzanne Bellavista

Suzanne is a karmic astrologer & life coach who helps soul-centered entrepreneurs & leaders use astrology to design & plan their life in rhythm with the stars.